The warp opens up, dropping you onto a pirate ship. Around the ship are goofy-looking pirates, in bright blue rags, waving their non-threatening wooden swords in the air. You touch a treasure chest on-board, but one of the British pirates says, “You need something to open that thar treasure. But what?” You touch it again. The pirate says the exact same thing in the exact same way. Huh.
In the lower deck, there’s a skeleton with a name tag on it that reads “Bobby.” You take off the name tag and put it in a nutcracker to break off the pin part. Now it’s a “Bobby Pin,” which you use to open the treasure chest with a key inside. Hard to get too excited, since the puzzle barely made sense and took you three hours to solve.
You Have +1 Golden Keys
(Unless you already collected this key. Yeah, your progress is saved.)
If you have 3 Golden Keys, click here. Otherwise…
A misshapen Warp Zone appears in the air with two sides – one is bright red, the other a bright purple. Which side of the warp would you like to enter?