You continue moving forward. Incredibly, there’s a door in front of you. It looks just like the wooden one at the beginning of the maze. You jiggle the handle, but it’s locked.

The MANotaur spots you from the end of the hallway. His bulbous human has grown like a pimple on his big bull body. He stamps his hooves in frustration.

“Don’t you leave,” the MANotaur cries. “I’m supposed to win! This is my labyrinth. I always get to butcher the humans who come here. It’s my right. How dare you take away my rights?!”

With that, the MANotaur gets on all fours. He charges for you! You duck away at the last possible second, and the MANotaur’s head collides with the door. The wooden door shatters as the creature flies over a cliff. Guess this prison was build cliffside. If there were any windows, the view would be spectacular.

“For the record, I was going to eat youuuuuu,” the MANotaur screams before hitting the jagged rocks below. Well, that’s settled.

There’s a rope leading down to the surface. You make your descent. How will you get back to Athens? That’s an epic poem for another day. For now, savor the victory.


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