You hold the key in your hand. It shines under the floodlights of Shecky’s car lot, as you walk toward the cursed Camaro.
You take a deep breath and confidently open the driver’s side door. As you sit inside, the car growls at you. When you start the ignition, the Camaro bursts forward, going from 0 to 60 mph in mere seconds! You grip the wheel and force the car onto the dilapidated road.
Neither the brakes or ignition works. The car is moving on its own, but with a lot of effort, you can control the steering wheel. You crash into a stop sign, a strawberry stand, and a statue of Paul Bunyan eating a blue ox hoagie.
A sharp turn onto a canyon road is fast approaching. With all your might, you push the steering wheel to the right, then leap out the car door. The Camero crashes through the guardrail and dives over the cliff. It crashes with a THUD, another THUD, a third THUD, a fiery EXPLOSION, and then a few smaller THUDs.
You stand up, dust yourself off and look at the envelope Shecky gave you once again. Turns out there was a Fuddruckers coupon inside, as well, and it’s still good for a free burger with the purchase of six or more burgers! After this experience, you earned it.