The sparks cease and the screen goes completely dark. Your heart beats fast with anticipation as the rollercoaster you designed comes to life before your eyes in the form of a commercial…

Villagers in a tiny European town gather their torches and pitchforks. They use a battering ram to break down the wooden doors of a stone castle on a hill. They run into the castle, angrily shouting for blood, but they’re suddenly aghast. In the hallway is a tall, grotesque, ambling monster… wearing shades, jean shorts and a tie-dye t-shirt! The villagers run away as he pukes while throwing up devil horns. On-screen logo: PUKENSTEIN.

Smash cut to a steel rollercoaster. The train blasts along the track, performing dives, corkscrews, and a seemingly interminable number of vertical loops. “It’s illegal to build seventeen 360 degree loops in a row. Almost everyone who rides it will die,” a deep voiced narrator states. “We won’t tell if you don’t.”

A teen boy exits the coaster, where a newswoman is waiting for him. “So, what did you think?” she asks. The boy has a full gray beard and gives off a heavenly glow. It’s clear from his wise expression that the boy has seen the face of God. The coaster’s thrills and chills propelled him into a higher state of consciousness. He’s carrying two big stone tablets, one on each arm. Chiseled into the first one: “God Sez.” The second reads, “Coasters Rule!” The boy turns. The boy’s finger-wagging old mother and father enter the scene. “We told you this would happen!” mother scolds. “Now who’ll take over your father’s money-losing pig farm and/or my naughty needlepoint business?”

PUKENSTEIN: Technically, This Ride is Pukenstein’s Monster

You take off your VR helmet. Magic Scream park executives have already greenlit your ride and that is because you are a genius.


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