The sparks cease and the screen goes completely dark. Your heart beats fast with anticipation as the rollercoaster you designed comes to life before your eyes in the form of a commercial…

Thunder cracks! A torrential downpour floods a highway traffic jam. There’s wind, rain, and lightning. A bored commuter sits in traffic in his Ford Pinto. Suddenly, the rain turns into… CG snakes! Snakes slither all over his windshield! They break through the glass with their fangs! The commuter screams in terror. On-screen logo: CYCLONE VIPER.

Smash cut to a steel rollercoaster. The train slowly makes its way up an incline, then races down the track at mind-numbing speeds! Without warning, the track transitions into a smooth fiberglass tube filled with rushing water. “Building a rollercoaster that turns into a waterslide was a logistical nightmare,” a deep voiced narrator states as the train splashes into a wave pool filled with loose coaster trains. “For riders, it’s a safety NIGHTMARE!”

A teen boy exits the coaster, where a newswoman is waiting for him. “So, what did you think?” she asks. The boy won’t stop screaming. At first, the newswoman smiles, thinking it’s a bit, but she frowns when he keeps going. Two huge dudes put the screaming boy in a straight jacket and throw him in a van marked “Looney Bin.” He peers out the back window bars. The boy’s finger-wagging old mother and father enter the scene. “We told you this would happen!” mother scolds. “Now who’ll take over your father’s money-losing pig farm and/or my naughty needlepoint business?”

CYCLONE VIPER: This Ride is Like Poison… for Your Body

You take off your VR helmet. Magic Scream park executives have already greenlit your ride and that is because you are a genius.


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