You arrive a few miles from your hometown at the Horrorshow animal testing facility. At Horrorshow, they invent new and unique tools for torturing bunnies and hampsters, which they sell to laboratories and cosmetic companies. It’s Christmas Eve and the snow is coming down hard. The lab is closed, but you bet the animals inside aren’t hanging around by a fire sipping cocoa. You use your animal communication abilities to psychically call out to the animals inside and give them step-by-step instructions on how to release themselves from their cages, based on a WikiHow article on your phone. Then you guide them on how to unlock human doors by having them stand on each other’s backs to reach the handles. It’s all very cute.

As a stampede of creatures flee the test facility and escape into the woods, you feel a sense of accomplishment. No animal should be forced into a cruel working arrangement, and that includes reindeer.


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