The world is at stake. You can’t leave everything to chance. Luckily, you anticipated this Mr. Bucket match, as Rufus posts pictures of himself on social media playing games like Candy Land and Hi Ho! Cherry-O. Unironically, and no, not for a podcast.
Your tech expert Omicron, who just submitted the paperwork for a name change, gave you a special Mr. Bucket shovel that dispenses balls of any color. It’s strapped to your leg instead of a gun. The chief insisted a gun would be more useful. Shows what he knows!
You bend over to “stretch” before the big match, surreptitiously swapping out Rufus’ shovel for your own. When you rise, Rufus looks at you askance. There’s a chance he knows, and there’s a chance he doesn’t. He clears his throat…
Note: The link above will send you to one of two random outcomes. Good luck!